

科罗拉多州免疫法(C.R.S. 25-4-901)要求所有学生 提交免疫接种证明. 学生必须在注册之前提交记录 UNC的课程. Records must be uploaded into the student's admissions portal. Students can access their admissions portal from the Admissions website under the "被录取的学生  http://cefk.stylzthreading.com/admissions/admitted-students/

If you do not have a copy of your immunization record your provider can use the form below to fill out the dates of your vaccines (this form is not required if you have 其他证明已接种疫苗的文件). 


If you wish to file an Exemption from immunizations, there are two ways to do this:

Option #1. A "Certificate of Medical or Nonmedical Exemption" can be downloaded from CDPHE 疫苗豁免页. These document should  be completed by the student (If under 18 by the parent) and 由他们的免疫保健提供者签署. 然后上传此签名文档 进入你的博天堂官方门户. Your exemption must be signed by a provider licensed in Colorado.

Option #2. 完成 在线免疫教育模块.  该链接可以在疫苗豁免页面上找到. 在线教育模块 是一天24小时,一周7天. 大约需要20分钟 to complete.
At the completion of the module, you will be given the option to print or save the 完成证书. 证书将填充所指定的名称、日期和时间 this process was completed and will not require a signature from an immunizing health 保健提供者. 完成后,上传到博天堂官方门户网站.

要访问疫苗豁免页面,请转到 www.colorado.gov / vaccineexemption  

 请注意: If you file exemption from the required immunizations (measles, mumps, rubella and meningitis) and there is an outbreak of any of these vaccine preventable diseases on campus, you may be subject to exclusion from campus and classes for at least 21 就在最后一个已知病例的几天后. 此外,学费可能不会退还,如果你 are living in student housing you will be required to find alternate housing at your expense.

*国际 students and Graduate students may upload their immunization records 通过登录 博天堂官方门户.

If your provider does not have a copy of your immunization record we recommend calling your high school or previous universities (if you are a transfer or graduate student) 看看他们是否还有你的档案副本. 如果你找不到 记录,请致电我们办公室或发邮件 debra.miller@stylzthreading.com 如需进一步说明.


Note: To check if your record has been entered and your registration hold has been lifted, log into Ursa, choose the student tab and then registration status. Check this link every semester prior to your scheduled registration date for any outstanding 需求. We will do our best to get your record entered as soon as possible.

Any student living on campus, must provide an immunization record showing proof of of a meningitis vaccine that covers ACWY within the last 3 years. 这包括任何 学生在线上课或通过 扩展校园 如果他们也住在校园里. 要住在学生公寓,你必须满足 免疫接种要求. (ACWY脑膜炎疫苗只有活着的人才需要 on campus, however it is highly recommended by the CDC 给所有的大学生s. See below for additional information regarding both types of meningitis vaccines).

Covid - 19疫苗:

The COVID vaccine is not required at this time, but highly recommended. 学生们 不需要提交COVID疫苗文件. 



  • 所有的学生:大学生出生 after January 1, 1957 must show proof of two MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines, the first administered no earlier than 4 days prior to the first birthday, and the 第二,在第一剂量后至少28个日历日.  This requirement applies to all students (undergraduate, graduate, and extended studies).

  • 所有学生都住在校园里: In addition to the 2 MMR vaccines required for all students, those living on campus must have a Meningitis (type ACWY) vaccine given 在过去的三年里 (you may decline the meningitis vaccine but may be subject to exclusion from campus in 爆发事件).

  • Clinical Nursing Students and Clinical Athletic Training Students: 2 MMR vaccines, 3 Hepatitis B vaccines or a positive titer, 2 Varicella vaccines or a positive titer, TDAP within the last 10 years, and a recent TB test.


学生们 required to submit records prior to meeting with an advisor and registering for classes. There is a hold automatically placed on your account that will prevent 类注册.  Please upload your immunization records into your admissions portal along with your 其他所需文件.

请注意: If you are living on campus, you are required to have a current Meningitis vaccine 在过去的三年里. 如果你在过去三年内没有接种过这种疫苗 years, we offer FREE Meningitis vaccines at the 学生健康中心. 文档 of this vaccine will need to be submitted prior to move-in-week in August.


Many thanks to 塞拉利昂与脑膜炎的赛跑 for providing this life-saving vaccine 对我们的学生、教职员工和周边社区. 了解更多信息 或者捐赠给 塞拉利昂与脑膜炎的赛跑.


Meningococcal Meningitis can cause serious illness or even death in as little as 24 并且具有高度传染性. 大学生感染的风险最高 Meningitis. 免疫接种可以降低患病风险. 博天堂官方网站这种疾病的其他信息 可以在 CDC website. Contact your physician to make sure you are fully vaccinated and protected.

The State of Colorado requires a Meningitis vaccine given within the last 3-5 years, 所有住在学生宿舍的学生. 对于所有其他大学的学生 强烈建议接种脑膜炎疫苗. 所需疫苗包括ACWY毒株. In addition to the required vaccine, we highly recommend having the Meningitis B vaccine 还有系列. 了解更多信息 regarding school 需求 and recommendations please call the Immunizations Office at 970-351-1919 or email debra.miller@stylzthreading.com.

If you are a freshman living in student housing, you must acknowledge that you have 接种了疫苗. 如果你选择不接种疫苗,你必须 read and acknowledge that you understand the risks of non-vaccination when you complete 你的住房合同.

The CDC and The American College Health Association recommend a Meningitis booster 给所有的大学生s if it has been three or more years since your last dose.


The American College Health Association, the Center for Disease Control, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices have developed a list of recommended vaccines 给所有的大学生. 要了解哪些疫苗是推荐的,请参阅 美国医学会推荐给大学生的疫苗.