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Advocate and Innovate for Students and Families

博天堂官方特殊教育学院成立于1954年,致力于卓越的基础教育 特殊教育的高级教师培训.


  • 残疾学生和有天赋和才能的学生是一个更大的群体的一部分 community of diverse learners
  • 所有学生在学习时都能得到有效的提供 specially designed instruction, advocacy, and support
  • 所有的学生都能在高标准和高期望下脱颖而出
  • 当教育者与学生合作时,教育的更大使命才能得到最好的实现, families, and related services professionals

Need Application Support?

科罗拉多教育有免费的工具和资源来申请我们的项目—and becoming a classroom teachereasier! Create an account today and immediately access:

  • An interactive application checklist to keep you on track.
  • $100 fee reimbursement towards application and testing expenses.
  • 1-on-1 expert advice for any question along the way.
  • How-to guides 资格,申请,测试和财务.
  • A chance to win a $1,000 scholarship toward tuition.

Check them out by signing up for a program below! 

News and Announcements

Future Teacher Conference

Want to become a teacher someday? Attend the Future Teacher Conference,这是一个免费的会议,为有兴趣的学生提供研讨会和演讲 career as a teacher.

Scholarship Opportunity

如果你住在科罗拉多州的农村或山区,你可能有资格 超过85%的学杂费是通过美国留学基金支付的.S. Department of Education grant.

Learn more about Project Tree

Discover GOAL

 GOAL (Go Out And Learn)是一个全面的证书课程 轻度智力和/或发育障碍,并给予学生机会 成为博天堂官方课堂和校园社区的一部分.

Learn more about GOAL

Graduate Experiences

Rachel Beckstrand

Rachel Beckstrand

“I have had an amazing experience at UNC. The online program that UNC provides made 我有可能留在犹他州,同时接受必要的教育 be and Orientation and Mobility Specialist. Staying in Utah was important to me because I help take care of my mother who has Alzheimer"s. UNC really is the reason I now have my dream job.”

Heather Abraham

Heather Abraham

“I had a fantastic educational experience at UNC. The deaf education program prepared 我开始和从出生到21岁的学生一起工作,我在这两个早期都找到了工作 在获得文凭之前的干预和学校设置. The professors not 只给我提供了博天堂官方网站聋人教育领域的前沿信息, 他们认识我是一个学习者,并为我提供了个人成长的机会. 如果现在回想起来,我还是会选择UNC.”

Denise C. Onofrey M.A.

Denise C. Onofrey M.A.

“特殊教育学校是我职业发展的重要里程碑 educator and human service provider. 除了支持性的教育环境, 自从我毕业以来,我在这个领域也感到了这个项目的支持 2005.”

Rebecca Sidders

Rebecca Sidders
2008 UNC Graduate
Teacher of the Deaf, Kalamazoo , MI

“我很自豪能在这所大学获得特殊教育硕士学位 of Northern Colorado. 知识渊博的讲师和适用的课程已经准备好了 成为当地聋人教育领域的领军人物. The incredible support of 老师们和同学们,毕业并没有结束,而是在继续 有价值的专业人士网络,致力于教育,指导和支持 our students and their families.”

Moira C. Rennoldson

Moira C. Rennoldson
Endorsement: Orientation and Mobility, 2011

“在我年轻的职业生涯中,作为一名视障人士和定向教师的每一天 和移动专家提出了一个挑战,证实了相关性 北科罗拉多大学提供的课程. The online program removed 身体上的障碍,为我打开了这个大好机会. I was surprised by the feeling 在我的同学,教授和我之间建立的社区. I can also 证明该计划的严谨性绝对不会因在线格式而减少. 我强烈推荐这个项目给有兴趣进入的认真的学生 教视力受损的学生是一项很有回报的职业.”

Gloria Valenciano-Salazar

Gloria Valenciano-Salazar

“当我准备获得硕士学位以继续我的教育时,我认识了天才 博天堂官方的教育学硕士课程正是我所需要的. I felt like I was a good 但我缺乏支持和挑战高能力的技能和知识 and gifted students. 博天堂官方的资优教育硕士项目帮助我理解了这一点 这群学生让我在更深层次上与他们合作. 这个项目让我可以继续我的全职小学教师的工作 每周上几个晚上的课. My confidence and knowledge 作为一名教育工作者,我得到了很大的帮助,并帮助我过渡到现在的职位 as a GT Facilitator. 我觉得我现在可以支持和挑战高能力和 有天赋的学生,会更热情地与家长和教育者谈论最好的 practices for gifted learners. The program was incredibly life-changing for me and for my future in Gifted Education.”

Carrie Reece

Carrie Reece

“我喜欢在博天堂官方的研究生项目中成长和伸展自己. As 作为一名在线学生,我觉得我学到了和以前一样多(甚至更多)的东西 在传统的校园环境中完成我的本科学业.”

Maha Alsuliman

Maha Alsuliman

“As an international Ph.D. 作为一名学生,参加UNC不仅在学术上开阔了我的眼界 life, but also new global perspectives. It has been a unique experience for me to 接受精英和知识渊博的教授的教育,他们不断挑战我 and pushed my critical thinking skills. To all international students: there is no better experience than attending UNC!”

Michele McCarthy

Michele McCarthy

博天堂官方特殊教育学院(聋人和听力障碍硕士课程)是 by far one of the most superb educational programs. It was very instrumental in my 我的生活和我从这个项目中得到的许多好处说明了特殊的教育 that is offered at UNC. 我强烈推荐博天堂官方特殊教育学院, 尤其是它的导师桑迪·鲍恩和约翰·卢克纳.”